
A Look Back

Most of us enjoy taking pictures of family and friends. Our photos hold special memories, and document day-to-day activities as well as once-in-a-lifetime moments. Each image tells a story and captures a bit of our history. As part of our mission, The History Museum collects and preserves images, both print and digital. Our archival collection numbers over 25,000 photographs. Enjoy these and let us know if you have more information about any that you see. Stay tuned, because we will be adding to this page. We love sharing history with you in this way!

Creamery in Lakeville - Casad
Lakeville Creamery

Get your milk and ice cream!

baseball Greenstockings ph 1628 resize

Play Ball!

Notre Dame 1870s astronomy lab - resize (1)
Notre Dame Astronomy Lab

I see Mars!

Grand Trunk Railroad ph1137
Grand Trunk Railroad

All Aboard!

baseball Greenstockings ph 1628 resize

Play Ball!

Notre Dame 1870s astronomy lab - resize (1)
Notre Dame Astronomy Lab

I see Mars!

circus 1880s ph 1011
The Circus

The day the circus came to South Bend

Pokagon ph 3437 resize
Simon Pokagon

Well-known Potawatomi writer.

Roman and Pauline Luzny
Roman Luzny and Pauline Zach

Newly married

4th of July 1889 ph 1013-1
4th of July 1889

No fireworks in sight

snow 1890 ph 1694
Winter Scene


Buffalo Bill Cody ph878
Buffalo Bill Cody

…and his Old West carnival show

William Jennings Bryan 1896
William Jennings Bryan

Vote for me!

West Race - Birdsell ph1802 (1)
The West Race - Birdsell

What the heck is a clover huller?

Bicycle, St. James Episcopal Church 1894 ph 871

Watch out for the velocipede

4th of July 1889 ph 1013-1
4th of July 1889

No fireworks in sight

barber shop ph 538
Barber Shop

Inside the Oliver Hotel

telephone operators ph 705
Telephone Operators

Number please…

Turnverein pph207
Turnverein Club

A local German club

3 ladies car
3 Ladies and a Car

Waiting on a train

Tribune boys 1908 ph 856
South Bend Tribune

Don’t forget the hot dogs!

Fire Wagon 1905 ph1021 THM (1)
Fire Wagon

Get Out of the Way!

Albright's Bicycle
Albright's Bicycle Store

Established in 1914


Bottoms up!

LeMert Telephone
LeMert Telephone


Ringling Bros Circus parade (elephants on Mich St) 1911 ph764
Ringling Bros Circus Parade

The circus is in town…

West Race - Stephenson Underwear Mill ph816 (1)
East Race - Stephenson Underwear Mill

Woolen Underwear Manufacturers

Lady Owls picnic c. 1910 ph YPOH Root
Lady Owls

Auxiliary to the Order of Owls

Rene Simon 1911 ph 199
Rene Simon

Look! Up in the sky…

West Race - Stephenson Underwear Mill ph816 (1)
East Race - Stephenson Underwear Mill

Woolen Underwear Manufacturers

Lady Owls picnic c. 1910 ph YPOH Root
Lady Owls

Auxiliary to the Order of Owls

1920s pop stand
1920s Pop Stand

Drive up convenience

fire at Kresge's
S.S. Kresge


Erskine Golf Course golfers
Erskine Golf Course


Odd Fellows Building March 1, 1929
Odd Fellows Building

Hard hats required

Adele Studebaker ph1647 (1)
Adele Studebaker

Watch for sharks!

streetcar - ND FB team c.1926 ph 4490
Notre Dame Football Team

Notre Dame, Our Mother

children in a wheelbarrow c. 1920s 1930s ph YPOH Szymanski (1)


Bendix Plant 1923 ph 7327 (P.R. Leatherwood) (1)

Put your foot down with confidence

streetcar - ND FB team c.1926 ph 4490
Notre Dame Football Team

Notre Dame, Our Mother

Bendix Sit-down Strike ph 1530
Bendix Sit-down Strike

Occurred in 1936

Grand Jury 1935 ph 318-1 compressed
Grand Jury

Convened September 1935

Wyman's 1930s ph4155
Wyman's Department Store

50 mile delivery

Amelia Earhart ph 7323
Amelia Earhart

Landed in South Bend in 1936

Josephine Curtis ph 2529
Josephine Curtis

A local arts heroine

Western Union c. 1930 - 1940 ph YPOH Carlson
Western Union

Our ancestors’ email

Halloween Associates Investments Co. c. 1930s ph 237 (Grunwald) (1)
Associates Investment Halloween Party


Notre Dame Stadium c. 1935 ph 4918 THM (1)
Notre Dame Stadium

Home of the Fightin’ Irish

Western Union c. 1930 - 1940 ph YPOH Carlson
Western Union

Our ancestors’ email

cheerleaders ph 1556

From Mishawaka High School

First AME Zion ph 7515
First A.M.E. Church

Founded in 1907

Philadelphia 1939
The Philadelphia

You scream, we scream for ice cream!

Rockne Premiere (1)
Rockne Premiere

Win one for the Gipper!

AAGPBL batter and catcher ph 7424794
AAGPBL "Bonnie" Baker

Take me out to the ball game

Rockne Premiere Cast 1940 ph 6420
Knute Rocke All-American

The day South Bend was Hollywood

children eating ice cream 1946
Children Eating Ice Cream

I’ll take two scoops

AAGPBL batter and catcher ph 7424794
AAGPBL "Bonnie" Baker

Take me out to the ball game

Rockne Premiere Cast 1940 ph 6420
Knute Rocke All-American

The day South Bend was Hollywood

Eisenhower with Mamie resize
Ike Visits South Bend

September 15, 1952

Hering House playground ph 7528
Hering House Playground

Gifted to South Bend in 1925

Swedish - ph086 resize
Gloria Dei Lutheran Church

Swedish congregation founded in 1880

Mary Ann Club 1951 ph5270
Mary Ann Club

For Studebaker’s female employees

Hering House Halloween party 1957 ph7517
Hering House Halloween Party


Fredrickson's Delivery Truck c. 1950s ph 6776 (Fredrickson) (1)
Fredrickson's Delivery Truck

Filled with candy and goodies

Junior Achievement c. 1950s ph YPOH Bella
Junior Achievement

On the Studebaker assembly line

Colfax Theater 1954 ph 3770 THM (1)
Colfax Theater

Get some popcorn!

Fredrickson's Delivery Truck c. 1950s ph 6776 (Fredrickson) (1)
Fredrickson's Delivery Truck

Filled with candy and goodies

A LOOK BACK - 1960s Main Street ph 1897
Main Hotel

Please sign the register book

Mary Geraldine Hatt ph9232
Mary Geraldine Hatt

South Bend resident and world volunteer

Potawatomi Park pool 1960 PC 746
Potawatomi Park Pool

Splish and splash

Thanksgiving Day parade 1969 ph9202
Thanksgiving Day Parade

Gobble, Gobble!

Bookmobile ph307 LL (1)

Get your library card ready

Thanksgiving Day parade 1967 ph 9179 (Kagel) (1)
Thanksgiving Day Parade

Hope they throw some candy

A LOOK BACK - Coveleski Stadium under construction IMG_215
Coveleski Stadium

Play ball!

Ethnic Festival 1985 ph6958
Ethnic Festival

Festiwal etniczny

Bloch Bakery - Fox
Bloch Bakery

An early bakery in Mishawaka

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