

Would you like your next field trip to:
Be easy to coordinate and implement?
Be an imaginative experience that makes history vibrant and alive?
Complement your curriculum?
Then we invite you to bring your students to The History Museum!
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Camp Curiosity 2025 Flyer


Click Here to Read Flyer
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I Spy Dollhouse Exhibit
Activity Sheet


Click Here for Activity Sheet
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Victorian Calling Cards


Click Here for Activity
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Worker’s Home
Curriculum Material


Click for Curriculum Material
The New 2024-2025 School Catalog
Gallery Talks for Educators

Educators are invited to Gallery Talks for Teachers, presented by The History Museum and the Studebaker National Museum from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. A certificate for two PGP points is given, and complimentary wine and hors d’oeuvres are offered. The event is free.

Gallery Talks for Teachers: Oct-Nov-Dec-Feb 2024-2025

History Resources for Schools

We have pre-visit and curricular materials for you to use. Click the button below:

School Visits to The History Museum & Studebaker National Museum

The History Museum & the Studebaker National Museum offer tours specially designed for school groups. Your field trip can include visits to the Oliver Mansion and Worker’s Home, Kidsfirst Children’s Museum, Voyages Gallery, and all exhibits in both museums. Pre-visit curriculum material and student activity sheets are available for viewing and printing by scrolling further down this page. Reservations are required and can be made by contacting Judy Scarbeck at (574) 235-9664, ext. 242 or

What is the easiest way to book a class visit to The History Museum?
1. Check your calendar and pick a couple of days and times you want to visit the museum.
2. Pick the museum areas you would like your students to visit--or--a school program you would like your students to attend.

1.Tour the Oliver Mansion (for grades 3+) [click here]

2.Tour the Voyages Gallery (for grades 3+) [click here]

3.Tour our Changing Galleries [click here]

4.Visit Kidsfirst Children’s Museum
(birth-3rd grade) [click here]

5.Attend a school program–scroll down ↓

6.Visit our friends nextdoor–the Studebaker
National Museum [click here]

The History Museum can also provide education in schools by visiting your classroom with audio/visuals materials. In addition, special programs designed just for schools are scheduled at various times throughout the academic year. The History Museum’s Education Department has developed a list of Indiana Academic Standards met through museum visits and school programs. School groups visit The History Museum regularly to experience history in a unique and interactive way. We offer learning for all age groups are welcome to tour the museum’s exhibits on their own, as long as teachers and chaperones accompany the students. We require one chaperone/adult for every 12 students and there is no charge for these chaperones/adults. Additional chaperones/adults will be charged $10.00 per person.

We now have online presentations/programs that may be of interest to you and your students. Click the button below to see what we have to offer:

School Admission Prices

There is no charge for the South Bend Community School Corporation or the Penn-Harris-Madison School Corporation or private schools within these districts.  For all other schools, the price per student is $5.

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